Can I learn BSL from Signbank?
No, Signbank is not intended to be, nor is it designed to be, a stand-alone language learning tool. Ideally, to learn BSL, or any language, you need to interact with users of the language and/or attend a course. Signbank is a free resource with information on BSL signs, mostly in the form of a dictionary (see Dictionary). In the future, BSL Signbank will expand to include a description of the phonology and morphology (i.e. building blocks) of BSL signs (see Grammar). Already, stories told in BSL by deaf signers, and their signs for 101 key concepts, are now available (see Corpus).
Where can I learn BSL?
Signature and iBSL are the two main awarding bodies for qualifications in BSL in the UK. Check their websites for a course provider near you.